Geoffrey Dagley Apps

31 Days of Purity 3.0.0
Geoffrey Dagley
This is of a continuation of the 31 Day Prayer challenges startedby Mike Leake on Facebook and This time he haspartnered with Tim Challies,, to pray for sexualpurity. Tim describes it as being "for all of us - for those whoare young and those who are old, for those who are married andthose who are single, for those who struggle mightily in the areaof sexual sin and for those who may barely struggle at all. It is atime - a month - to focus on what the Bible says about sexualpurity. Each day I will share a short passage from Scripture, abrief reflection on that passage, and a prayer. You can ponder theScripture, read the devotional, and pray the prayer, and why not doit together with a friend, a brother in Christ?" WHAT IF I DON’TSTRUGGLE? Even if you have gained significant victory in this area,thank the Lord, but don’t stop battling. "There is a kind ofweakness, a kind of vulnerability, that may come when we areconvinced of our strength. It is when we are not being tempted, itis when we are standing strong in the Lord’s grace, that we oughtto consider the times we will be weak and tempted and eager to sin.We need to assume such times will come and we need to use themoments of strength to put measures in place that will protect uswhen we are weak." - Tim Challies Also, even as you pray foryourself, you can partner with a friend who may not be experiencingthe same victory. Encourage him along. There is every reason foryou to join us, even if you are not struggling in this area. WHATABOUT WOMEN? Women, you can be involved too. You can follow along,read what God’s Word says, and then pray for the men in your life:your husbands, your sons, your grandsons. What a blessing it wouldbe to them if you will pray for them in an area in which Satanseems to be winning so many battles. Also, if you are struggling inthe area of sexual purity, you’ll easily be able to adapt thedevotionals and prayers to your own use. Share your progress andencourage others on Facebook and Twitter with #p4p31 Find out moreat: and
Pray For Your Wife: 31 Day 3.0.0
Geoffrey Dagley
This is an app for Mike Leake's "Pray For Your Wife: 31 DayChallenge" seen on Facebook and This is a challengefor guys to pray for their wife for 31 days and help you put a FACEon praying for your wife: * Focus — I need to know whatspecifically to pray for my wife or I’ll just keep praying the samethings over and over again. * Accountability — I need a group ofguys to keep me accountable and remind me daily to passionatelypray for my wife. * Challenge — I need to be challenged to godeeper in the way that I pray for my wife. A community of otherguys praying will help shape my prayers. * Encouragement —Sometimes we pray for things and God’s answer is slower than welike. We need encouragement to keep praying. If you are engaged,separated, or anything else that might make you think that youaren’t qualified to join this — fear not. You can even pray foryour future spouse or the spouse that you are estranged from. Maybethe Lord will use this as a means to restore broken relationships.Share your progress and encourage others on Facebook and Twitterwith #p4w31 Find out more at:
Pray For Your Daughter: 31 Day 3.0.0
Geoffrey Dagley
This is an app for Mike Leake's "Pray For Your Son: 31 DayChallenge" seen on Facebook and This is a challengefor parents to pray for their daughter for 31 days and will helpyou put a FACE on praying for your daughter: * Focus — I need toknow what specifically to pray for my daughter or I’ll just keeppraying the same things over and over again. * Accountability — Ineed others to keep me accountable and remind me daily topassionately pray for my daughter. * Challenge — I need to bechallenged to go deeper in the way that I pray for my daughter. Acommunity of others praying will help shape my prayers. *Encouragement — Sometimes we pray for things and God’s answer isslower than we like. We need encouragement to keep praying. Shareyour progress and encourage others on Facebook and Twitter with#p4d31
Pray For Your Son: 31 Day 3.0.0
Geoffrey Dagley
This is an app for Mike Leake's "Pray For Your Son: 31 DayChallenge" seen on Facebook and This is a challengefor parents to pray for their sons for 31 days and will help youput a FACE on praying for your son: * Focus — I need to know whatspecifically to pray for my son or I’ll just keep praying the samethings over and over again. * Accountability — I need others tokeep me accountable and remind me daily to passionately pray for myson. * Challenge — I need to be challenged to go deeper in the waythat I pray for my son. A community of others praying will helpshape my prayers. * Encouragement — Sometimes we pray for thingsand God’s answer is slower than we like. We need encouragement tokeep praying. Share your progress and encourage others on Facebookand Twitter with #p4s31 Find out more at:
Pray With Your Spouse: 31 Day 3.0.0
Geoffrey Dagley
This is an app for Mike Leake's "Pray With Your Spouse: 31 DayChallenge" seen on Facebook and This is a challengefor couples to pray for their spouse for 31 days and help you put aFACE on praying with your spouse: * Focus — I need to know whatspecifically to pray or I’ll just keep praying the same things overand over again. * Accountability — I need a group of people to keepme accountable and remind me daily to passionately pray. *Challenge — I need to be challenged to go deeper in the way that Ipray. A community of other people praying will help shape myprayers. * Encouragement — Sometimes we pray for things and God’sanswer is slower than we like. We need encouragement to keeppraying. If you are engaged, separated, or anything else that mightmake you think that you aren’t qualified to join this — fear not.You can even pray for your future spouse or the spouse that you areestranged from. Maybe the Lord will use this as a means to restorebroken relationships. Share your progress and encourage others onFacebook and Twitter with #pws31 Find out more at:
Pray For Your Church: 31 Day 3.0.0
Geoffrey Dagley
This is an app for Mike Leake's "Pray For Your Church: 31 DayChallenge" seen on Facebook and This is a challengefor people to pray for their church for 31 days and will help youput a FACE on praying for your church: * Focus — I need to knowwhat specifically to pray for my church or I’ll just keep prayingthe same things over and over again. * Accountability — I needothers to keep me accountable and remind me daily to passionatelypray for my church. * Challenge — I need to be challenged to godeeper in the way that I pray for my church. A community of otherspraying will help shape my prayers. * Encouragement — Sometimes wepray for things and God’s answer is slower than we like. We needencouragement to keep praying. Share your progress and encourageothers on Facebook and Twitter with #p4c31 Find out more at:
mibipi 3.0.0
Geoffrey Dagley
Bible Reading Plans That Never Leave You Behind
catechizeMe 1.4.0
Geoffrey Dagley
Grow in your understanding of God and the Scriptures usingcatechisms.
31 Day Prayer Challenges 1.0.11
Geoffrey Dagley
This is a challenge for people to pray for those around them for 31days.